Monday, December 28, 2009

Quote of the Moment

"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read and all the friends I want to see." --John Burroughs

Let alone: All the videos (& movies) I wanna watch, all the chats I want to have, all the events I wanna attend, all the phone-calls I wanna make, all the articles/blogs/tweets I want to read, all the posts I wanna blog, all the new technology(ies) I wanna give a try and all the email messages I want to check :D

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Did you know?

A couple of years ago I watched a video.. It was really mind blowing, but unfortunately for lazy people like me I forgot about it.. Not only the data, even the sound track & the motto repeated "Right here! Right now!", or should it be "Right there! Right then!"!!? I wish I/we bear it in our mind for much longer time :)
A couple of hours ago a friend shared this video. I went to find the whole series on YouTube..
Just realized while I'm getting the different versions that I saw 2nd & third only & mixed them in my mind, thinking they are one!! I find the first 3 very consistent while the forth -a bit- deviates the pattern..
Read more about "Do you know?" or "Shift happens":
One last question: Why haven't they heard of twitter till the 4th one? Is twitter that young? Or am I so immersed in it that I thought I had for ages? :D

Saturday, December 05, 2009

How to create a C# Class from XML file (via xsd.exe)

A friend asked me a couple of times about how to I created the class I used in “twitter common friends” to handle xml as objects (includes reading and writing back). Actually the tool (xsd.exe) is pretty simple and takes no more than a couple of commands to create the class for me.

It’s just that I usually forget the keywords/parameters & their order (you can create a dataset or class that can be C# or VB, and there’s a couple of other option I never used before). I usually refer to its MSDN page when asked..

So I thought a post would be easier to remember. First you should create the xsd file out of the xml, using the VS command prompt:
xsd myFile.xml
That will create “myFile.xsd”, now to create “myFile.cs”, write the below line:
xsd myFile.xsd /c 
Now you can add the cs file to your project and use it as illustrated in my previous post.

Cross-posted from FCIH-Blog


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