Tuesday, March 18, 2008

In 3amoor's ferwell.. :'(

للإمام الشافعي ما في المقامِ لذي عقلٍ وذي أدبِ مِنْ رَاحَة ٍ فَدعِ الأَوْطَانَ واغْتَرِبِ سافر تجد عوضاً عمَّن تفارقهُ وَانْصِبْ فَإنَّ لَذِيذَ الْعَيْشِ فِي النَّصَبِ إني رأيتُ وقوفَ الماء يفسدهُ إِنْ سَاحَ طَابَ وَإنْ لَمْ يَجْرِ لَمْ يَطِبِ والأسدُ لولا فراقُ الأرض ما افترست والسَّهمُ لولا فراقُ القوسِ لم يصب والشمس لو وقفت في الفلكِ دائمة ً لَمَلَّهَا النَّاسُ مِنْ عُجْمٍ وَمِنَ عَرَبِ والتَّبْرَ كالتُّرْبَ مُلْقَى ً في أَمَاكِنِهِ والعودُ في أرضه نوعً من الحطب فإن تغرَّب هذا عزَّ مطلبهُ وإنْ تَغَرَّبَ ذَاكَ عَزَّ كالذَّهَبِ (men wa7y A7mad Sa3ed :D) عايدة الأيوب على بالى .. على بالى .. حبيبى على بالى على بالى .. على بالى .. ابن بلدى على بالى و على بالى .. على بالى .. حبيبى على بالى على بالى .. على بالى .. ابن بلدى على بالى لا يا مصرى لا و لا .. لا و الف لا تهجر بلدك و تسيبنا .. بلدك ليك أولى لا يا مصرى لا لا .. لا و الف لا.. لية تهجرنا و قلبك يقسى .. اية تبعد و حبايبك تنسى لية يا ابن بلدى اية .. آة..آة..آة فين الجواب فين الرسالة .. هاتبعتهم قوام .. قوام نسيت هوانا و بعته .... على بالى .. على بالى .. حبيبى على بالى على بالى .. على بالى .. ابن بلدى على بالى فين تلاقى الضحكة الحلوة .. ضحكة من القلب و العين سوا فين تلاقى العيون السودة .. ياما الغنوة و الكلام عنهم حقيقة على بالى .. على بالى .. حبيبى على بالى على بالى .. على بالى .. ابن بلدى على بالى مين يصحى فى الفجر يأدنلك .. قوم يا مؤمن قوم و اشكر ربك آة .. آة مين فى المحنة يقف جنبك .. و يوقلك ربك بكرة يعدلها فى أوانها لا يا مصرى لا و لا .. لا و الف لا تهجر بلدك و تسيبنا .. بلدك ليك أولى لا يا مصرى لا لا .. لا و الف لا.. على بالى .. على بالى .. حبيبى على بالى على بالى .. على بالى .. ابن بلدى على بالى و على بالى .. على بالى .. حبيبى على بالى (men wa7y 2M)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cairo like you never saw it before!!

Last Saturday, I was attending the JDC egjug.org/jdc2008 .. I was much distracted on the day, generally, & I didn't benefit much. Anyway, during the "Java & .NET interoperability" session presented by Pooya Darugar, he showed popfly popfly.com I don't know why really :D.. While he was showing it, he created a sample "Mashup" on the fly.. It was a simple app that gets pix from flickr flickr.com given a tag & displays them in a cool way.. Trying to be friendly, he chose "Cairo" for the tag.. As I told u earlier, I was much distracted (& had a bit of a headache too).. so between the ghosts I was seeing @ that moment I saw a couple of amazing pix from flickr.. They are really amazing.. The author was someone called KoRaYeM.. I checked them today (a couple of minutes ago) .. This guy KoRaYeM is ... I can't find the word actually.. just check his pix.. here's his profile on flickr... flickr.com/photos/korayem .. & to my astonishment he has just started photography since last August!!! according to this flickr.com/photos/korayem/2131413578/ .. The pix I saw on JDC are those: http://flickr.com/photos/75354058@N00/1803230025/ http://flickr.com/photos/75354058@N00/1543283671/ This last one was even available in Diwan Bookstore according to this http://flickr.com/photos/korayem/2094998893/ & http://flickr.com/photos/korayem/2097936648/ The first one is on my PC background right now :D.. The guy has a blog too: http://korayem.net/

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

NIN : Ghosts I-IV

NIN (Nine Inch Nails) new album was released lately.. I guess at the first days of this month.. The Album name is Ghosts I-IV, simply coz it's divided into 4 parts (Ghosts).. Yet I don't know why "Ghosts" not parts or anything else.. The album has 5 editions.. With one of them costing $300 !! It Sold out anyway :D (2500 copies!!) Ye, one of editions can be downloaded for free, in return for your e-mail (for me it's already with them so I didn't give them much, actually I knew about it through their newsletter on that very e-mail anyway).. The free edition has Ghosts I which is the first 9 tracks (MP3 format, really hi-quality ones) + A 40-pages PDF file (with 40 magnificent images) + extras (wallpapers from the 40-pages PDF, for both regular & wide screens, & some web graphics including NIN logo -which I like a lot- & other graphics including the one in this post).. I kept the tracks playing all day today & I really liked them all.. Actually I'm thinking about buying the $5 edition.. You can check album & download the free edition (& any other edition if u got the money :D, coz the other editions won't be shipped soon) ate the album site: http://ghosts.nin.com/ You can read more on Wikipedia:

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Wikimania 2008, Alex, Egypt, Call for participation Deadline is drawing near

Wikimania 2008
For those who visit my blog probably you know since long but I just realized that I (myself) don't visit my friends blogs, for more than a year, may be (long live Google, Reader.. or is it "Don't"..lol).. Anyway, I'm just making sure that you know that Wikimania2008 (which will be held on 17-19 July, Alex, Egypt) call for participation deadline is drawing near. It is March 16, 2008.. So if you want to attend as a speaker, hurry up!! If you rather be a regular attendee -like me ;)- you'll have to just wait & keep tuned to the event page (that's http://wikimania2008.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page ).. I waited.. so much for the organizers to make an FB event but they didn't.. so I'll :P ( as if it's a must.. lol)


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