Sunday, October 19, 2008 8th gathering

Click to enlarge
Saturday, October 25th 2008,
12:00 - 16:00

Attendance is FREE =)

Again (like the last gathering), we are having 2 parallel tracks, but this time we have 5 sessions presented by 5 speakers.. Waiting for your feed-back about that..


Ahmed Sidky
Director of Business Technology - X2A Consulting.

Ahmed Bahaa
Principal Technical consultant - CompuPharaohs.

Mohamed Samy
Technical Architect - ITWorx.

Mostafa ElBrarbary
Software Engineer - ITS.

Mohamed Bahaa

 12:00 - 13:30
Introduction To Agile Development
by Ahmed Sidky.
 14:00 - 15:30
Use cases and requirement analysis
by Mostafa ElBarbary.
 12:00 - 13:00
VSTS (Part 1)
by Ahmed Bahaa.
 13:30 - 14:30
VSTS (Part 2)
by Mohamed Samy.
 15:00 - 16:00
VSTS (Part 3)
by Mohamed Bahaa.


Canadian International College, @ "El-Tagamo3 El-5ames"

Buses will be available at: Nady El-Sekka (11:00 AM - 11:30 AM)
Please be there before 11:30 coz we will leave on time..

For those who wanna keep tuned with further news about this event & other upcoming events of the user group, please check the following links:


Facebook Event:
You'd better join the above event if you have a facebook account so we can roughly estimate the attendees count..

Facebook Fan Page:

Facebook Group:

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions..
See u on the gathering ;)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Testing flock (the browser)

Flock is some sort of a fork (or may be it's based on, I'm not sure) Mozilla Firefox.. but it's mainly it's more focused on social networking & web 2.0.. This includes blogging as u can see.. adding a pic: Flock invaders by capitrueno. adding a Video from the browser's cool Media stream (that includes searching, plus ur regular stream from ur networks for eg Flicker, youtube, facebook, etc...) if you know cooliris it's pretty similar to it.. but it's inside the browser not the full screen.. I'm not sure if that can replace firefox for me.. but I'll try to flip it around for the coming couple of days.. specially that I read it had a lot of criticism concerning performance.. but till now it's working smoothly.. I didn't abuse it yet :D.. so I can't tell.. oh I've just saved the above post as a draft then re opened it.. let's see how that works here :D.. oh before publishing.. I've just checked a cool feature while checking publishing settings.. you can replace an older post from the browser..
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

SMS Tip!!!

This has nothing to do with development.. It is just an stupid/funny incident I had today :D.. Yesterday I've bought a 50 EGPs card to recharge my cellular. Today (Happy Mushroom day :P) The first thing I did today was recharging my cellular credit & selecting a couple of nice messages to forward to my friends.. Off course I didn't send them to my contacts one by one.. I had like 150 contacts.. but for sure I didn't send them all.. I sent msgs to around 100+.. I had calculated how that would cost me, yesterday.. it's something like 20-25 EGPs by far, that's why I bought 50 EGPs coz I was intending to call a friend who's now abroad(3amoor).. Unfortunately (3ashan 7azy l na7s 6ab3an) he didn't reply & was diverted to voice mail.. Which deducted around (lebest :'( ) 5 EGPs from my credit.. & I wasn't even able to leave him a voice message coz the operator/automated-reply told me I just can't!!! After a recalling they guy for like 6-7 times to no avail, I started to forward the SMSs to my friends/relatives/family members.. Starting a flow of delivery reports & SMS-replies back from them.. After awhile I tried to call the guy once more.. I was told that I don't have enough credit!! Remember according to my calculations I had @ that time roughly (50-5-25=) 20 EGPs which more than enough to call him.. So I inquired my credit balance (costs 0.2 EGP) & was told I don't have enough credit to even inquire about my balance!!!!!!!! Until then I was pretty sure that probably they had a problem in the system (you know it's a high season) & probably if I waited everything will be just OK.. A couple of hours ago I rechecked & nothing new happened I still can't afford 0.2 EGP to inquire about my credit!! My brother suggested that I should call the customer service (wa abastefhom) & probably they will handle the issue.. I had to recharge anyway (it costs 1.5EGP/min to call them!!) so I decided to recharge when I'm back home & call them.. Just when it all got clear suddenly!!! :D .. (nezel 3alia l wa7l.. ana 6ele3t mas6ol) one of the messages I chose was too long (actually it was 3 SMS) but I was too busy taking care of which message to send to who & just forgot to check that specially that since I had that new handset I wasn't bothered with similar problems (it just happen in the background I'm not aware of it like the old handset which was pretty clear, but less readable :D).. So that should have cost me like 60-75 EGPs.. which I didn't pay simply coz I deleted the pending msgs & didn't resend any SMS thru the day (& I'm not intending to, for sometime :D).. Moral of the story:
"Be careful when you're broadcasting SMSs, specially when u can't afford errors (which means money)"


All the opinions expressed on this blog are my own and don't necessarily represent my employer's positions, strategies or opinions.