Friday, March 27, 2009

Wikipedia Masri!!

ذهلت من يومين لما اكتشفت انه في حد اقترح (و نفذ) مشروع ويكيبديا مصري.. ايوة!!
على اساس ان المصري ده لغة مستقلة.. ممكن تقرأ اكتر عن النقاشات الانتهت باقرار المشروع هنا:

المصيبة كمان انه في مشروع تجريبي لي وكشيناري مصري كمان!هتلاقيه هنا!

انا ناوى اعمل اقتراح لغلق الاتنين ذي ده
بس لما افضى شوية.. انا بس بكتب التدوينة دي عشان مفروس و كمان عشان لو حد همته اعلى شوية يسبقني عشان انا عارف حبالي طويلة!!

المصيبة انه اصلا مافيش في ويكيبديا مصري دي غير مقالات قليلة جدا.. طاب مابدل الهبل ده ما يساعدوا في المشروع/مجموعة الاسمها "لنكتُب في موسوعتنا.....ويكيبيديا العربية"

Quote of the Moment

The intention of Scrum is to make [dysfunctions] transparent so the organization can fix them. Unfortunately, many organizations change Scrum to accommodate the inadequacies or dysfunctions instead of solving them.” --Ken Schwaber

Friday, March 20, 2009

Quote of the Moment

"Some men see things as they are and say why - I dream things that never were and say why not." -- George Bernard Shaw

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

5 min writing practice

Why I'm writing. Coz I saw a blog called that said that doing a similar practice just for the sake of it might help you to find creative ideas to continually find something to write about :D.. Do I believe it? Actually not really but I'm really happy to write these words now.. I'm listening to music now. The last song was for Avril "why should I care", now it's "last resort" for Papa roach. I was walking around the place singing with Avril loudly enjoying it while thinking about starting to write that. My bro is now on my bed surfing the net. My lovely laptop (the one I'm writing this note on, now); Saphira -yes I call her so, after Saphira from Eragon- is suffering an awful break down.. The LCD light turns off even when I'm using Saphira :'(.. I've just got a nice idea.. Why don't I write this way on my diary? That's a great way to talk out loud without any directing, bias or much pre-thinking. I find this habit (of free writing) very time consuming & enjoyable/addictive.. Next time I'll try to have some sort of a stop watch like the blog post I read said.. But I really enjoyed writing the above.. Phew!! :D

NB: I wrote the above paragraph around a month ago, & I really enjoyed it.. I had to edit & delete some personal stuff from it, though.. It feels like some sort of therapy.. Yet I haven't redone it since then :'(.. Oh & I've a new "Saphira" now.. So don't feel sorry for me!! :D Though I'm looking for a new name for her if you want to help!!

Quote of the Moment

Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.” -- Mark Twain

BizTalk workshop

Today (March, 17th) was the last day of a training/workshop I was having at Microsoft for the past 3 days (today included!!). The title was "BizTalk workshop – Black Belt"!! As you may think, I'm not exactly the typical example of the target audience for such a workshop but it really helped me to have some sort of a hack to get prepared faster for my BizTalk certificate I planning for by the end of the quarter.

The workshop covered topics like BAM, BRE, ESB, Performance & Sizing. It was a crash-course; with lots of stuff to be covered in such a small period of time. Yet, it was an eye-openner for me, (I guess it was more than that for the other guys with more BizTalk experience).

Though I was one of the least BizTalk-Experienced attendees, I enjoyed the workshop as I was able to have the opportunity to stick & talk about the topic in more details (from around 10:30-16:00 or later daily) with BizTalk gurus like Ahmed Farrag from MS, other Gurus from Raya-Software like Yousry & Fathy. I ran also into some of the guys from LinkDev (though I missed Mohamed Hussien for eg) & OMS. Yet, I think I would have enjoyed it even more if people like Farsi & Tamer were also there..

Friday, March 13, 2009

Nice Day at FCIH

Yesterday, I went to pay my faculty a visit to get some papers I need at work & give tiny overview session about IEEE. Finally I did any good for my faculty's IEEE student branch this year. I was generally too busy this year that I didn't even went to faculty, not even did anything about my masters.

By chance, some of the gang from class 2008 was at FCIH. & Enjoyed hanging with them for sometime.. Also I loved to do the short session coz it was like a century since I did any presentations, & I really lack these skills :$:$:$.. Also it was my first time to use pptPlex; a powerpoint plugin from officelabs. It's Really cool.. It was really easy to use too.. It really helps to put your audience in the picture & to gather each set of your slides logicly together to manipulate them more freely, instead of rushing across your slides going back & fro.

Here's my slides,

Also, Here's Shaimaa's Slides which I used heavily coz I was told about my session on a very short notice.. "Edabest", literally, but I enjoyed it, anyway :D.

I guess Shaimaa will read this soon, so if she doesn't like it I'll remove her slides links (though I know she won't mind :D)

UPDATE: I've uploaded a set of pix taken by S. Abdul & me :)

فكرتني بالذي مضى!!

مؤخرا من اسبوعين كدا خبط في اغنيتين كنت بسمعهم من زماااان.. متهيأ لي مثلا مسمعتهمش من و أنا عندي 15 سنة ايام ما كنت الموسيقى بالنسبة لي يعني شريط كاسيت . لما كان الكمبيوتر يعني جيمز و بس.. الأغنية الي كنت بحبها فعلا بقى من الايام دي و اكتشفت ان مكنتش فاهم نص كلامها لما كنت صغير والمصيبة كمان اني اكتشفت من اسبوعين بس الي بيغنيها ست مش رجل (كنت مخدوع كل السنين دي ) اسمها
"Missing" او "And I miss you"
بتاعت باند اسمه


All the opinions expressed on this blog are my own and don't necessarily represent my employer's positions, strategies or opinions.