Saturday, March 17, 2007

Discover IEEE!!

So we are back!! Some of you knew some bits & pieces about IEEE in the IEEE week? Curious to know more or know all? If yes, come attend "Discover IEEE!!" session which will be held next week. There, you will know what is IEEE in more details, what's in it for you, what are its activities and more.. A wide door is open towards your career and path of success.. Want to know more? Instead of receiving a mere answer over here, join our live conversation and interact with us, you won't regret .. Want to be an official member of the IEEE organization? or a member of our faculty's Student Branch? Well then, God Willing you'll benefit both ways.. The discussion starts taking you from the snake's tail and up the ladder. So now you know what the session is generally about, let's tell you where and when.. Next Monday, 19/03/07, from 03:00 pm to 04:00 pm at Hall 1 .. Yeah!! Its just one hour but you'll enjoy it and hopefully benefit from it, too. Whether you know nothing, a little, or more than a little.. There's always more to tell.. Mark the day in your calendar and get ready. Then Monday is the day, Be the change you want to see in your FCI , Be there on time, we'll be waiting for you.,

On behalf of FCI-HU local IEEE Student Branch.

P.S. : Please Forward to ALL FCI-HU Mail Groups

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